Personal Re-Discovery

I’ve decided to focus on the self, with regards to how the self revolves around interactions with other people, and how we can potentially define ourselves using external activities. For example; one might associate with the idea of being a party animal, or a live performer, or being very vocal and outspoken when in social settings. During a pandemic these external forces are brought to a screeching halt, and ones sense of self may be altered by that. Social skills that were once well lubricated fall by the wayside and become rusty after a year of hardcore neglect, and the activities that once defined us have become impossible to experience.

How does my own voice sound to others? How do they remember me, on whose mind is my voice imprinted, my verbal mannerisms? These are questions that I would like to hold in my mind while working on my audio for this sound piece.

I enjoy talking, I enjoy explaining and reveling in lavish feats of linguistic extension and I feel that this is at the core of my being. I take plenty of inspiration from the works of P.G Wodehouse, and greatly admire his impressive handle on the English language – something that I aspire to be known for.

But, how can I illustrate my social sense of self within sound? How can I illustrate that my words and spoken voice is something that I desire to reconnect with, something that I feel I am missing out on?

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