Re-Introducing Analogue, a la Stockhausen

Inspired by Stockhausen’s ‘Gesang der Jünglinge’ which was introduced to me in one of Gareth’s classes, I explored some tape manipulation techniques; pitching, driving, encoding with NR enabled and playing back with NR disabled. These techniques really helped me warp the sounds of my own voice, and I was surprised at how authentic the results sounded.

This was an exciting first experiment, and I pursued the idea further over the next few days, using my Tascam 414. Bouncing from computer to tape, altering and then bouncing back during another pass.

I felt like I was approaching a sonic fingerprint that I felt echoed my feelings well. The destruction of my voice was interesting and very transformative. I felt like I wanted to say more meaningful things in each recording, though. The test recordings were speaking nonsensical sentences, endless waffling with long filler words describing superlative actions. I began to think about if an alternative was needed.

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