Pictured above is a double-page scan from one of my notebooks that shows the initial planning stages of the kinetic sound sculpture. Having written that phrase out a fair few times now, I’m starting to think it needs a name or title….
I’m lacking progress shots, which is proving to be a slight pain when dealing with the whole ‘evidencing’ side of things. Creative solutions will have to be found soon – paintings of progress? That is laughable and time consuming, but not altogether ridiculous.
Progress so far; parts 2, 3, 4 and 6 have been made and sanded, all fits nicely and works well. I have a motor and bearing, plus belt for the motor, so I think this project can be completed easily within the first week back of university if I book 2 or 3 days in the 3D workshop. In an ideal world, this is a first sketch of my electromechanical projects which will result in a more complex construction before May 11th.
I’ve got long term dreams of some electromechanical boxes that incoprorate gear ratios, flat metal rods that are excited like rulers held firmly off the edge of a school table, small chimes, sewing machine style sounds and more, but these sort of musical contraptions could easily be the life work of some 19th century clockmaker.