Workspaces post-uni [prof. futures 4]

After I am finished with university I will need a workspace to do woodworking, for the enclosures of my instruments. I have done research into this, and have found a community led workspace in Herne Hill (20min cycle from me) that is only £25 per month (plus some donated time). There is a waiting list, so I will likely not be able to get onboard with things immediately, but I will be trying to make as many enclosures as possible within university while I still have access to the space. These enclosures will hopefully cover the waiting time that I have to face before starting in a studio. Besides, I doubt that I will sell many synths initially.

There are a handful of other options near(ish) to me but these are drastically more expensive. One in Battersea (£70 per day), one by Burgess park (£360+ per month) but these options do not seem favourable for a person of my woodworking abilities and financial backing.

I would also (in ideal circumstances) like to have a workspace to do my electronics work. I already have all of the necessary equipment to work efficiently and precisely, but I am growing tired of working in my bedroom. I think that for me, relaxing and working in the same environment is detrimental to my efficiency. It also lends itself to me trying to work constantly (at low productivity) with very little solid downtime. This seems to be slightly detrimental to my mental wellbeing. I do, however, think that acquiring this hypothetical workspace should be reserved for when I am making enough money to cover its associated costs, so I have decided to not research this side of things too heavily; most of the available workspaces are ~£150+, which is great but not ideal if I am not earning money from my creative work.

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